Week 12 Update – 21.06.17
Week 12 Update 21.06.17
Server Performance
- Resolved an issue with server performance dropping drastically in certain circumstances.
Client Performance
- Improved rendering performance of other characters.
- Improved client performance during ranged combat.
- Improved rendering performance of vehicles, motorbikes and boats from far-off.
- Improved the rendering performance of weapon effects from far-off.
Bug Fix
- Fixed a client crash that occurred when changing character appearance.
- Prevented users from removing shadows by changing Steam start option.
- Fixed a bug that caused players to use more ammos than loaded.
- Fixed a bug that caused lung icon to be displayed as full while taking damage due to lack of oxygen underwater.
- Fixed an issue of indoor wall and objects overlapping each other.
- Fixed a bug that caused metallic gloss to be shown inside doors.
- Fixed a bug that caused some parts of the clothing to be shown when firing a weapon in Scope mode, using 4x or higher scopes.
- Fixed a bug that caused a character to be in DBNO underwater when drowning inside a vehicle.
- Fixed a bug that caused healing items not to be used when opening inventory while firing full auto mode.
- Fixed a bug that caused flower beds to be shown incorrectly by distance
- Partially fixed a bug that caused a character to be stuck in terrain.
- Partially fixed a bug that caused camera to pass through some objects.
See you in-game, PUBG Community Team